[리딩타운 1] Unit 2. A Wheel and an Tuba 단어장/해석/동영상 자료/교재 답안지 READING TOWN 1
목차 1. 단어장 2. Translation 해석 3. 동영상 자료 4. 교재 답안지 단어장 [Unit 2 Lesson 1] steel n 강철 very strong metal used for making bridges and buildings observation n 관찰, 관측 watching carefully steam n 증기 the gas that water becomes when it boils advanced adj 진보한 modern, developed and high level engineering n 공학 기술, 공학 planning and making things like machines, roads or bridges appear v 나타나다 to become visible or c..
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2024. 3. 14. 13:11