was going to / ended up ~ing "(원래 계획)원래 ~하려고 했는데/ (변수)~해서/ (결과)~하게 됐다" 의미 뜻 차이 비교 예문 [라이브아카데미 연습가이드 #2]
1. 핵심표현과 기본 가이드 문장
2. 나만의 문장을 만들자
- 원래 상태나 계획: "원래는 친구들 몇 명이랑 영화 보고 같이 점심을 먹으려고 했는데,"
I was actually going to go to the movies with some friends and we were going to have lunch together,
- 변수(문제, 장애물): "친구 하나가 갑자기 일이 생겨서"
but one of them suddenly had something to do
- 결과: "결국은 다 취소하게 됐어."
so we (just) ended up canceling the whole thing.
=> I was actually going to go to the movies with some friends and we were going to have lunch together but one of them suddenly had something to do so we (just) ended up canceling the whole thing.
1) "난 원래는 상급 모델을 사고 싶었는데,"
I actually wanted to buy/get a higher model
"돈이 부족해서"
but I didn't have enough money.
"결국에는 이걸로 사게 되었어."
So I ended up buying/getting this one.
=> I actually wanted to buy/get a higher model but I didn't have enough money. So I ended up buying/getting this one.
2) "우리는 원래는 해외여행을 계획했었는데"
We were actually planning to travel abroad/overseas
"표를 못 구해서"
but we couldn't get tickets
"결국에는 아무 데도 못 가게 되었어."
so eventually we couldn't go anywhere.
=> We were actually planning to travel abroad/overseas but we couldn't get tickets so eventually we couldn't go anywhere.
3) "나는 원래 디저트를 진짜 안 먹으려고 했는데"
I really wasn't going to eat any dessert
"케이크가 너무 맛있어 보이는 거야. "
but the cake looked so good.
"그래서 안 먹을 수가 없었어.
So I couldn't resist.
"(참을 수가 없었어.) 결국은 3조각이나 먹었어."
I ended up eating three pieces.
=> I really wasn't going to eat any dessert but the cake looked so good. So I couldn't resist. I ended up eating three pieces.
4) "원래는 얘기를 안 하려고 했었어."
I wasn't going to say anything
"근데 네가 얘기를 꺼내서 말인데,"
but since you bring it up,
"사실 궁금한 게 하나 있어."
I have something I want to ask you.
=> I wasn't going to say anything but since you bring it up, I have something I want to ask you.
* bring something up : (화제를, 말을) 꺼내다.
* since: ~이므로(여서), ~때문에
* I have something I want to ask you = there's something I want to ask you = I have one question for you = I want to ask you something
위의 유튜브 강의를 보고 "이런 문맥은 이렇게 만들면 되는구나"라고 간단히 이해했거나 "이미 아는 문법이었네, 이미 아는 문형/패턴이었네"다는 생각이 들었다고 해서 바로 다음 강의로 넘어가면 안 됩니다. 중요한 것은 빨간 모자 선생님이 제시한 문장들을 듣고 따라 하기를 반복 연습하여 익숙해지도록 하고, 자신의 이야기를 문장으로 만들어 이야기해봅니다. 파이팅!!
1) "나는 원래 핼러윈 파티를 위해 둘째 아들 입으라고 셜록홈스 코스튬을 준비했어."
I actually prepared a Sherlock Holmes costume for my second son for the Halloween party.
"그런데 형이랑 똑같이 해리포터 코스듐을 입고 싶어 했어."
However, he really wanted to wear a Harry Potter costume, just like his elder brother.
"하지만 나는 둘이 번갈아가며 입으면 된다고 생각했거든."
But I didn't want to buy the same one again because I thought they could wear it alternately.
"다행히 나는 로빈후드 코스듐을 빌릴 수 있었고, 둘째가 보고 나서는 무척 마음에 들어 했어."
So, I was looking for another costume, and fortunately, I could borrow a Robin Hood costume, and he ended up being happy with it.
=> I actually prepared a Sherlock Holmes costume for my second son for the Halloween party. However, he really wanted to wear a Harry Potter costume, just like his elder brother. But I didn't want to buy the same one again because I thought they could wear it alternately. So, I was looking for another costume, and fortunately, I could borrow a Robin Hood costume, and he ended up being happy with it.
* pester: 조르다(=badger), (특히 자꾸 부탁을 하여) 성가시게 하다 vs. whine 징징(칭얼) 거리다, 우는 소리를 하다
* alternately: 번갈아, 교대로, 하나씩 걸러 (=in/by rotation, in/by turn)
2) "나는 원래 저녁엔 아이들 숙제를 도와줘."
I usually help my sons with their homework in the evening.
"그런데 오늘은 큰 아들이 하교 후 바로 영어수업에 가야 해서 시간이 별로 없어."
However, today, we didn't have enough time because we had to go to the academy for an English lesson for my eldest son after school.
"그래서 함께 공부할 수 없었어."
As a result, we couldn't study together.
"내일은 별 일이 없어서 아이들을 도와주기 편할 거 같아."
Fortunately, tomorrow it will be easy to help them because I have nothing else to do.
=> I usually help my sons with their homework in the evening. However, today, we didn't have enough time because we had to go to the academy for an English lesson for my eldest son after school. As a result, we couldn't study together. Fortunately, tomorrow it will be easy to help them because I have nothing else to do.
3) "나는 원래 쇼핑을 좋아하지 않아."
I actually dislike going shopping.
"그런데 오늘 비싼 옷을 샀어."
But today I bought very expensive clothes.
"난 내일부터 돈을 아껴 쓸 거야."
I won't waste money from tomorrow.
=> I actually dislike going shopping. But today I bought very expensive clothes. I won't waste money from tomorrow.
4) "난 원래 많이 먹는 편이 아니야."
I usually don't eat a lot.
"그런데 오늘은 너의 음식이 너무 맛있어서 과식했어."
But I overate today because your dishes were so good.
"내일부터 다이어트할 거야."
I will go on a diet from tomorrow.
=> I usually don't eat a lot. But I overate today because your dishes were so good. I will go on a diet from tomorrow.
* I usually don't eat a lot. = I usually isn't a big eater
5) "난 원래 여행을 좋아해."
I really like travelling.
"그런데 코비드 때문에 최근에 여행을 못해서 아쉬웠어."
But it was a shame that I couldn't travel nowadays because of Covid.
"이제부터 열심히 여행을 다닐 거야."
I will travel often from now.
=>I really like travelling. But it was a shame that I couldn't travel nowadays because of Covid. I will travel often from now.
6) "나는 원래 마트를 가려고 했었어."
I was actually going to do the shopping at the store.
"근데 지갑을 집에 두도 나온 거야."
But I left my purse at home.
"그래서 결국 집으로 돌아갔어."
So I ended up coming back home.
=> I was actually going to do the shopping at the store. But I left my purse at home. So I ended up coming back home.
* go shopping: 더 일반적, 식료품, 의류 등등 쇼핑 이외에도 즐거움을 위해서 가기도 함. shopping for anything, like a fun activity
* do the shopping: 식료품, 필수 용품 등을 사기 위해 정기적으로 가는 쇼핑, shopping for grocery or food, like a chore
* How often do you do the shopping?
7) "난 원래 너를 초대하려고 했는데"
I was actually going to invite you to my house
"집이 너무 엉망이라서 너를 초대할 수가 없었어."
but the house was too messy to invite you.
"그래서 우리는 카페로 가는 게 나을 것 같아."
So it would be better if we go to a cafe.
=> I was actually going to invite you to my house but the house was too messy to invite you. So it would be better if we go to a cafe.
8) "나는 생일파티에 참석하려고 했었는데"
I was actually going to go to the birthday party,
"갑자기 일이 생기는 바람에"
But something to do just came up
"참석하지 못할 것 같아."
and I don't think I can make it.
=> I was actually going to go to the birthday party, But something to do just came up and I don't think I can make it.
* I don't think I can go there because I have something to do all of a sudden / suddenly.
9) "나는 원래 너한테 연락하려고 했어."
I was actually going to contact you.
"그런데 너의 연락처를 잃어버린 거야."
But I had forgotten your number
"그래서 난 어쩔 수 없이 너의 연락을 기다리고 있었어요."
so I was forced to wait for your call.
=> I was actually going to contact you. But I had forgotten your number so I was forced to wait for your call.
* be forced to: 어쩔 수 없이 ~ 하게 되다.
더 많이 공부하고 싶었는데 원하는 만큼 못 한 듯합니다. 그래도 꾸준하게 쌓아가 보겠습니다.
Becom fluent together!!
카카오 뷰 에서도 새로운 '나도영어'를 만나실 수 있어요. ^^ 새로운 포스트가 나오면 계속 공유할께요~♡̄
카카오 뷰 채널 추가하고 싶으신 분들은 아래 이미지 클릭!!
댓글 영역